Vietnam: Image der beruflichen Bildung verbessern

Die berufsbildenden Schulen in Vietnam wollen das Image einer Berufsausbildung bei Schülern und Eltern verbessern.

TVET schools working towards a better Image of TVET

Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) schools in Vietnam are trying to improve the image of TVET amongst students and parents.

Students who are weak in their studies are preferring to opt for university instead of looking into vocational training centers. Parents also want most of their children to take high school degrees and pursue studying in higher education institutions. 

It can be quite challenging for TVET schools as they have to improve and create awareness of the advantages and opportunities after completing vocational training. This is exactly what these vocational schools are trying to do, to improve the TVET image.

In particular, Thu Duc College of Technology has taken measures to improve the reputation of TVET and retain students. The principal, Nguyen Thi Ly mentioned that students are quick to drop the school if parents’ awareness of vocational training changes.

The school is reviewing its curriculum to suit and meet the enterprise demands. They have also spent on facilities and lecturers and are focused on improving the teaching quality.

Similarly, Hung Vuong Technology Secondary School is also taking measures to improve the TVET image and retain students. Teaching equipment and machines for training have been purchased by the school for the students' needs. They are also providing scholarships to help students complete their training program and have organised start-up clubs, technology clubs and job skill competitions to keep learners.

Quelle: TVET platform for SEA,, 19.08.2020