Südwestfälisches Unternehmen startet weltweite Ausbildungs-Offensive

Die Grohe AG startete eine große, weltweite Ausbildungs-Initiative namens "Grohe Installer Vocational Training and Education" kurz GIVE.

Schon gewusst? Die GROHE AG aus dem südwestfälischen Hemer ist weltweit führend, wenn es darum geht Bäder zu designen oder Küchen mit Armaturen zu bestücken. Sprich: Ein echter Weltmarktführer aus Südwestfalen!

Das Unternehmen agiert also weltweit, hat aber in den letzten Jahren festgestellt, dass es an qualifizierten Installateuren mangelt. Das brachte die GROHE AG auf eine grandiose Idee: Sie startete eine große, weltweite Ausbildungs-Initiative namens "GROHE Installer Vocational Training and Education" kurz GIVE.

Das Ziel der Initiative: GROHE will weltweit rund 50 Ausbildungsstätten renovieren und bauen und so neue Auszubildende erreichen. Und dieser Plan scheint aufzugehen! Bereits 41 Ausbildungsstätten sind schon aktiv am Programm beteiligt, beispielsweise in Belgien, Frankreich oder auch in Marokko. Weitere Schulen in Ghana, Nigeria oder Pakistan sollen in den kommenden Monaten eröffnen. – Klasse!

Trainingswände mit eigenen Produkten, Arbeitsbücher, Prüfungen und Zertifikaten sind nur ein Teil von all dem, was GROHE in den Partnerschulen zur Verfügung stellt. Das Ziel ist es, junge Menschen zu Installateur:innen auszubilden und ihnen, vor allem in den Entwicklungsländern, eine Chance auf eine bessere Zukunft bieten.

Das GIVE–Programm ist ein großer Meilenstein für das Unternehmen und zeigt erneut, wie kreativ und wirtschaftsstark die Unternehmen in Südwestfalen sind.

Grohe rolls out its GIVE program for young students

Given the shortage of skilled installers in the sanitary industry, it is more important than ever to offer an attractive training program that helps young people build the foundation for a prosperous future. This is why GROHE initiated its "GROHE Installer Vocational Training and Education" (GIVE) program.

GROHE is already collaborating with 26 institutions offering plumbing training across the EMENA region. To help improve training facilities, GROHE will set up a fully functioning training environment where students can benefit from the brand’s vast expertise. GIVE supports schools in creating a uniform approach with modern equipment, training material and a written examination that will set new industry standards. Even after students have completed their GROHE training, they will receive assistance – with job placements or even a work experience program at one of GROHE’s industry partners.

"The GIVE program will unite all our professional training efforts and help young people from all backgrounds by improving the quality of life for themselves and their families. We offer students a training and education program which will prepare them to become skilled plumbers and guide them further in their careers," states Jonas Brennwald, Leader LIXIL EMENA. "Besides initiatives like 'LIXIL goes ZERO' and 'Less Plastic,' where we advocate resource conservation and sustainable consumption, the social dimension is an integral part of our sustainability strategy. As the program’s name implies, giving back to society is vital for us at GROHE."

Offering young professionals the best start to their careers

As part of the GIVE program, GROHE will support plumbing schools in creating a state-of-the-art training framework by installing modern training facilities and providing learning material and experienced technical trainers. Students will complete a specific product training designed by GROHE, for which they will receive a recognized international certificate.

"Our program offers young talents hands-on training that eases their start into professional life. The students will gain knowledge of the latest technologies and sanitary innovations. This will ensure that they are capable of installing and maintaining our expanding product range before they embark on their future careers in the plumbing industry," says Christopher Penney, Leader GIVE Program LIXIL EMENA. "We are excited to offer our internationally accredited training program to more plumbing students across the EMENA region by opening up twelve additional schools in 2021 and another twelve in 2022."

Counteracting the sanitation crisis

The integration and continuation of the Dual Tech training program, which was initiated together with the German non-governmental organization Don Bosco Mondo, means that GIVE also helps socially disadvantaged people between the ages of 17 and 25 in the Philippines and in Mumbai and Delhi, India, become sanitary specialists.

By providing young people with access to market-oriented training, GIVE offers graduates secure prospects for the future and also counters the shortage of skilled workers. As a result, the living conditions of many local people improve: The experts trained in sanitary technology create a basic supply, especially where fresh water pipes, sanitary facilities, hygiene measures and healthcare are needed most.

By enabling access to basic sanitation, the project also contributes to the fulfillment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – in particular Goal 6, "Clean Water and Sanitation" – and also to the first pillar of LIXIL's sustainability strategy – "Global Sanitation & Hygiene" – which aims to improve the livelihood of 100 million people through sanitation and hygiene initiatives by 2025.

Quelle deutsch: Südwestfalen Agentur GmbH, suedwestfalen-mag.com, 13.12.2021; Quelle englisch: GROHE, grohe.com/en/corporate, gefunden am 27.12.2021