Saudi-Arabien: Bildungskommission akkreditiert NITI und SADA

Die Education and Training Evaluation Commission, vertreten durch das National Center for Academic Accreditation and Evaluation, erteilte dem National Industrial Training Institute (NITI) und der Saudi Arabian Drilling Academy (SADA) die institutionelle Akkreditierung.

Education Commission grants accreditation to NITI and SADA

The Education and Training Evaluation Commission, represented by the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Evaluation, granted institutional accreditation to the National Industrial Training Institute (NITI) and the Saudi Arabian Drilling Academy (SADA).

The NITI and the SADA were accredited after meeting the commission's criteria for a specific period of time.

The national center aims to improve the quality of training through specific frameworks and standards in order to ensure that the requirements of the job market are met.

The NITI is one of the joint non-profit national projects between Saudi Aramco and the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation.

The SADA is a technical and academic institution established as a result of the partnership between Saudi Aramco and the TVTC

Quelle: Arab News,, 04.08.2022