Cedefop stellt Dashboard zur europäischen Berufsbildungspolitik vor

Das Europäische Zentrum für die Förderung der Berufsbildung, Cedefop, hat ein neues Online-Tool eingeführt, das "europäische Dashboard für die Berufsbildungspolitik", das in Form von Schaubildern und Tabellen die Fortschritte der Europäischen Union (EU) insgesamt und ihrer Mitgliedstaaten bei der Erreichung vereinbarter quantitativer Ziele zeigt.

Cedefop presents: European vocational education and training policy dashboard

Cedefop has launched a new online tool, the European vocational education and training (VET) policy dashboard, which shows, as graphs and tables, the progress by the European Union (EU) overall and its Member States separately towards agreed quantitative targets.

These targets are set out in the documents framing VET policy and its context at European level. The dashboard groups them around Europe’s three key post-2020 policy objectives:

  • VET for developing a lifelong learning culture;
  • VET for resilience, transitions, sustainability and excellence;
  • VET for the European Education Area.

High-quality and inclusive VET is central to achieving these objectives and the dashboard monitors VET's contribution. Its data visualisations enable all types of users, such as European and national VET policy-makers, social partners, VET experts and professionals to easily monitor and compare progress towards the targets.

Users can monitor the progress of any Member State over time and can compare that with other Member States and/or with the EU overall. For example, the dashboard can tell someone how many low-qualified adults participated in learning in the previous 12 months in Germany and compare that with Spain, Slovenia or any other Member State as well as with the EU overall.

The quantitative targets in the European VET policy documents are set out in the dashboard’s summary charts as seven 'progress indicators'. The sections dedicated to the key policy objectives, give a more comprehensive picture as the relevant progress indicators are accompanied by ‘context indicators’ to help understand and interpret changes.

Cedefop plans to accompany the data with commentaries on the statistical trends to help interpret progress, or lack of it, towards the agreed targets.

Weitere Informationen

Podcast über das Dashboard für Berufsbildungspolitik und seine Möglichkeiten (englisch)

Schlüsselindikatoren zur Berufsbildung (englisch)

Quelle: Cedefop - Europäisches Zentrum für die Förderung der Berufsbildung, cedefop.europa.eu, 07.11.2022