Berufsbildungssysteme in Europa auf einen Blick

Cedefop, das Europäische Zentrum für die Förderung der Berufsbildung, veröffentlicht in der neuen Publikation "Spotlight on VET" die wichtigsten Merkmale und Daten zur Berufsbildung in allen Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union sowie Norwegen und Island.

Vocational education and training systems in Europe at a glance

Cedefop offers a concise, clear and concrete picture of vocational education and training (VET) systems in a new publication, which brings together the main VET features and data in 30 countries: all European Union (EU) Member States, Norway and Iceland.

While countries share goals and challenges, their VET systems are diverse, shaped by socioeconomic contexts and traditions. The Spotlight on VET series compilation is addressed to those who need a quick overview of VET's essential features in Europe.

Clarifying VET's place in countries' overall education and training systems, it presents main accession and progression routes for learners; types and levels of qualifications they lead to; types of programmes, delivery modes, work-based learning ratio and duration. It is presented in a way that helps national and international readers understand the different systems and allows for some comparisons.

This publication is a useful starting point for policy-makers, social partners, experts, researchers and journalists. It also provides orientation to other actors involved in VET-related activities: VET providers, teachers and trainers; guidance, qualifications and validation staff; and to other readers who want to familiarise themselves with VET systems across and beyond Europe.

Cedefop's ReferNet partners contributed to the compilation by providing the relevant national information.

Spotlight on VET

Berufsbildungssysteme in der EU, englisch, 82 Seiten, kostenfreier Download, zusätzlich einzelne Länder als separate Downloads verfügbar

Berufsbildung in EU-Ländern

Separate Publikationen zu den Ländern als kostenfreie Downloads in verschiedenen Sprachen.

Quelle: Cedefop - Europäisches Zentrum für die Förderung der Berufsbildung,, 26.03.2019