Aktionsrahmen von Marrakesch soll Lernen junger Erwachsener fördern

Die siebte internationale Konferenz zur Erwachsenenbildung (CONFINTEA VII) Mitte Juni 2022 in Marrakesch, Marokko, endete mit der Unterzeichnung des "Aktionsrahmen von Marrakesch zur Erwachsenenbildung" durch 142 UNESCO-Mitgliedstaaten.

Marrakech Framework set to boost young adult learning

The Seventh International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VII) in Marrakech (15-17 June 2022) has concluded with the signature of the Marrakech Framework for Action on adult learning and education by 142 Member States of UNESCO.

Over 1000 participants gathered in Morocco to examine adult learning and education and develop a framework for the next decade.

The European Training Foundation (ETF) contributed to the European Commission led workshop on innovation in skills development and its facilitation through the use of innovative tools.

Adult learning has a crucial role in helping societies recover from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, demographic shifts, economic uncertainties and climate change. It is also fundamental as a means to engage young people within the education and training system, especially those who may have left school early and are in the NEET category, i.e. not in education, training or employment.

Lifelong learning approaches, including adult learning, are critical at a time of rapidly evolving digital technologies and building inclusion at a time when a lack of skills can leave people of all ages marginalised.

The CONFINTEA VII was preceded by the Civil Society Forum which made a number of recommendations to improve the Marrakech Framework for Action including strengthening financing for adult learning, literacy policies, support for teachers and educators, and ensuring that learners are engaged in the planning, design and implementation of policies and programmes.

Quelle ETF - European Training Foundation, etf.europa.eu, 17.06.2022