Saudi-Arabien: Tourismus College in Riad eröffnet

Mitte Dezember eröffnete der Gouverneur von Riad, Prinz Khaled bin Bandar das "Laureate College for Tourism and Hospitality" in Riad. Das College ist eine von sieben geplanten Ausbildungsstätten dieser Art, die im ganzen Königreich gebaut werden sollen. Es verfügt über eine Kapazität von 2.000 Studenten. Vorgesehen sind Bildungs- und Trainingsprogramme in englischer Sprache.

Der Arbeitsminister Adel Fakeih betonte die Bedeutung des Tourismussektors im Königreich, nicht zuletzt für die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen für junge Saudi-Araber.


Tourism college opens


Riyadh Gov. Prince Khaled bin Bandar inaugurated on Thursday the Laureate College for Tourism and Hospitality in the Salahudeen district of the capital. It is the first form of institutional learning of its kind in the country and one of seven colleges to be built across the country as part of the ambitious long-term strategy of the government.

With a capacity of 2,000 students in 48 classrooms, the new hospitality institution will provide world-class tourism-related education and training programs to be applied worldwide in English for many of the disciplines that meet the needs of the labor market.

The event was attended by Prince Sultan bin Salman, president of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities (SCTA), and Minister of Labor Adel Fakeih.

"Tourism is an important economic sector and promises business opportunities" said Prince Khaled.

Prince Sultan said: "What distinguishes the tourism sector is that it provides a great number of jobs, especially to citizens." He added that various Saudi hotels have assured him that Saudi youth have enjoyed gaining skills in the tourism industry. The SCTA president disagreed with those who say that Saudis don't like to work. "Saudis are known for their achievements as business owners," he noted.

Labor Minister Fakeih said the tourism and hospitality sectors are among the top three sectors that have the ability to attract Saudis and generate opportunities for youth. Prince Khaled, who is also chairman of the Board of Tourism Development in the region, said that the new college will contribute to creating job opportunities in the capital. "It will play a role in the rehabilitation of Saudi cadres to take up jobs in the field of tourism and hospitality."

He spoke highly of the roles of the SCTA, the Ministry of Labor and the General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training (TVTC) in encouraging young Saudis to work in this important industry.


Quelle: Arab News,, 15.12.2013