Vereinigte Arabische Emirate fördern Bildungserfolg

In den nächsten fünf Jahren sollen 700 Lehrkräfte öffentlicher Schulen in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten eine strenge Ausbildung in internationalen "best practices in teaching" durchlaufen, um das Bildungsniveau in den Emiraten an internationale Standards anzugleichen.


UAE initiative a boost for education


School Leadership Project an example of great strides taken by the country towards new milestones

The Ministry of Education's announcement of the School Leadership Project to raise standards in UAE's education sector is an important initiative that needs to be highly commended. Over the next five years, 700 education professionals in public schools in the UAE will undergo rigorous training in international best practices in teaching to set the UAE's education benchmark at par with global standards.

Teachers will be put through 400 hours of skill-building in the seminal areas of their job in collaboration with a British University during the last phase of training. This is yet another example of the great strides the UAE is taking as it energetically heads towards new milestones. By empowering teachers with the latest in methodology, approach and operating quality in pedagogy, the UAE government is ensuring that the education sector attains the status it truly deserves.

A direct focus, and investment, in teacher empowerment is the most effective way for a nation to shore up on one of its greatest assets - its human resources which, not unsurprisingly, include children as a vital segment in its composition.

On the one hand, these young and eager minds, collectively, form the vast arable knowledge tract of the country from which shoot up some of the greatest ideas and possibilities for tomorrow. On the other hand, it is the capabilities of the mentors of these young minds - teachers, educators and administrators - that ensure the tract remains arable perennially. It is vital, therefore, to ensure that the mentors are imparting knowledge in the most effective way.

The UAE has always emphasised education as one of the most important markers of progress and initiatives like these will assuredly actualise into results, supported by other measures like the development of a high school academic counselling system, the first of its kind in the region, and a teacher training and qualification centre, among others. As history has repeatedly proven, a productive, inspiring teacher-child collaboration can lead to many defining moments in discovery and glory for a country.

Quelle: Gulf News, 17.05.2013