Recognition in Germany

"Recognition in Germany" is the new information portal regarding the German government's Recognition Act. This portal provides up-to-date information on the legal basis and procedure for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications. If you would like to have a professional qualification that you acquired abroad recognized in Germany, you can use this portal to find your competent body and your local contact centre.


Before the Recognition Act entered into force on 1 April 2012, Germany did not have a standardized procedure for recognizing all professional qualifications acquired abroad - even though nearly three million people with a foreign professional qualification live in Germany.


At present many well-trained immigrants work in jobs that that are not commensurate with their level of education. Since the German economy is dependent on qualified skilled workers, the German government enacted the Law to improve the assessment and recognition of foreign professional qualifications , also called the Recognition Act.


The Recognition Act facilitates the equivalence procedures of foreign professional and vocational qualifications and supports the integration of qualified immigrants and foreign skilled workers into the German labour market.


Numerous offices responsible for the recognition of foreign certificates


Germany does not have a central body that is responsible for all enquiries regarding the recognition of foreign professional qualifications. In fact, the individual federal states are responsible for conducting the recognition procedure. Therefore, the bodies responsible for the recognition vary from state to state. In the area of training occupations within the dual system in Germany the chambers are the responsible body.


The new Recognition in Germany portal


The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) created the Recognition in Germany portal on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research to help individuals seeking recognition of their foreign professional qualifications find the body that is responsible for their enquiry and ensure that they receive prompt answers to their questions regarding the recognition procedure.


The portal is aimed not only at immigrants who already live in Germany and have earned a professional qualification abroad but also at skilled workers in other countries who are interested in working in Germany. The Recognition in Germany portal also supports guidance personnel who advise individuals seeking recognition of qualifications they have earned abroad.


This portal directs all individuals seeking recognition of a certificate or degree to the body that is responsible for assessing their qualification. It also offers important information regarding the legislation and regulations underlying the recognition of foreign qualifications and the recognition procedure in the individual occupations. In addition, the portal provides tips on related information and guidance services.

Source: Recognition in Germany, revised by iMOVE, April 2012