Retail industry increases number of apprenticeship placements

The retail industry in Germany has further expanded its provision of apprenticeship placements. This is the result of current figures published by the German Federal Employment Agency.

The retail businesses have reported 4.5 per cent more apprenticeship placements for management assistants for retail services to the Federal Employment Agency than in the previous year. With regards to sales assistants, the increase was 3.5 per cent.

"The numbers reveal that the retail industry fulfils its social responsibility regarding vocational education and training and that it intends to satisfy the retail industry's skilled labour demand by way of a good vocational education and training provision. The industry offers good career prospects; more than 80 per cent of executive staff are recruited from amongst its own ranks", says Stefan Genth, Managing Director of the German Retail Federation (HDE).

However, the increase in placements on offer is confronted with fewer and fewer applicants and more and more unfilled positions.

"In some regions, the demographic change can be felt already", Genth continues. It now is necessary, he says, to further reinforce vocational education and training.

Politics and society need to place greater value on vocational education and training and recognise it as a real career alternative to a degree course. In achieving this, the key determining factor is objective occupational and degree course guidance, which ought to illustrate all options in an equal manner.

Source: News platform on shoes Schuhkurier,, news release, revised by iMOVE, August 2015