Aviation engineering training in Pakistan

Heinze Academy • Internationally recognised certificate opens up global employment opportunities

passenger aircraft stands in the hangar for maintenance

Heinze Academy focuses on the continuing education and training of industrial and technical skilled workers in machine engineering, aviation engineering, electrical engineering and construction. To support this, the German training provider, established in 1937, operates state-recognised engineering trade and technical schools in the specialisms referred to. It also delivers Chamber of Industry and Commerce industrial foreman courses and develops specialised training, particularly in the area of Industry 4.0. The academy is also accredited by the German Federal Aviation Office as a training and examination establishment for aviation staff in accordance with EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) Part-147 (provisions relating to the requirements of training organisations). Finally, Heinze Academy offers exclusive advanced teacher training to international clients covering all aspects of didactics with regard to practice and competency, the dual system, digitalisation, and curriculum design. Heinze Academy became a member of the iMOVE network in connection with a Chinese government contract from 2019 concerning teacher training.

In terms of aviation engineering training, the initial step abroad was taken in 2017 in Turkey—a very important hub for the aviation industry. Heinze Academy developed a contact with a Turkish aviation engineering school in Istanbul which offered state-recognised licence training. The school wanted to also enable their customers to gain EASA qualifications from an established German educational institution and thus provide them with additional added value.

EASA qualification provides clear added value

Heinze Academy made its accredited digital and English-language training materials available to the school, and trained lecturers locally as part of a train-the-trainer activity. Since then, the German training provider has been conducting module examinations locally one to two times a month in six locations. 

Heinze Academy has now acquired a similar partner in Pakistan, a country with a population of 220 million, the majority of which are very young. The proximity to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which is an important centre for aviation, has an important role to play in young Pakistanis applying for an additional EASA qualification. Only with this qualification can a job in the UAE and therefore significantly higher income be achieved. The Pakistani partner is the largest aviation engineering school in the country, with three locations in Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi. Heinze Academy also made its training material available for their Pakistani partners, trains employees and conducts examinations in each case during three scheduled one-week periods per year in all three cities.


In addition to Turkey and Pakistan, Heinze Academy also cooperates or is currently exploring business opportunities with partners in Spain, Tanzania, Ghana and other countries. The following illustrates the importance of the foreign market. In 2019, Heinze Academy organised approximately 1000 courses and examinations in the area of EASA Part-147—around 90 percent of these were accounted for by locations outside Germany.

A key factor in the success of the projects outlined is the examination preparation software specifically for examinations relating to Part 147. This is developed internally, is cloud-based and is multilingual. The creation of this product is a result of the extensive experience gained from cooperation with schools. The software helps international education institutions to integrate the Heinze Academy programme into foreign programmes, effectively by means of a "plug-and-play" approach. This ensures maximum user friendliness and customer satisfaction.


This sucess story was first published in the iMOVE publication Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners • 8 Success Stories from the Mobility and Logistics Sector. The brochure was published in November 2020.

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iMOVE Provider pool: Heinze Academy

Website: Heinze Academy