Some craft trade occupations provide the most money for trainees

The highest training allowances based on collective agreements are paid in the craft trades. This is shown in a recent evaluation conducted by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). Five craft trade occupations top the list with the craft trade of carpenter leading the way. However, a look at the entire training sector reveals that other sectors of the economy pay better.

The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) compared training allowances based on collective agreements in 173 occupations in 2021. This includes 43 craft trade sectors. They appear at both the top as well as at the bottom of the list.

So, carpenters in training come top of the evaluation. Their average earnings over all months of training was EUR 1,252 per month. They were closely followed by tile and mosaic layers and also masons with an average allowance of more than EUR 1,190 per month. Stuccoists (EUR 1,190 per month) and road builders (EUR 1,177 per month) complete the top five of the best paid training occupations over the last year.

Trainees earn most in the public sector

However, trainees from other craft trade industries predominantly find themselves in the bottom third of the ranking. Makers of orthopaedic footwear received the lowest training allowances based on collective agreements. In 2021, the average gross amount per month transferred to their accounts was EUR 637. Hairdressers ( EUR 650 per month) and floor layers (EUR 686 per month) earned only slightly more in their training. In terms of economic sector, the highest training allowances were found in the public sector and in industry and commerce. Trainees in the public sector received an average of  EUR 1,095 per month, and in industry and commerce the average paid was EUR 1,039. The craft trades performed the worst with an average allowance of  EUR 882. This was also lower than agricultural occupations in which the gross amount of Euro 936 was paid.

The average gross amount for training allowances in eastern Germany was  EUR 965 per month which was slightly below the amount for western Germany. Here the average gross amount was EUR 989 per month.

Above average increase in the craft trades

The collectively agreed monthly rates for trainees in the craft trades rose by 3.8 per cent compared to the previous year. The average increase for all sectors of the economy combined was 2.5 per cent. This meant the trend in these sectors has not been as positive as previous surveys had indicated. Between 2012 and 2019 growth rates were consistently above three percent. The only exception to this was 2017.

According to BIBB, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic was the reason for the low growth in 2021. Collective bargaining negotiations were delayed, and business owners shifted their focus towards alleviating the negative consequences of the crisis. 

Source: (German newspaper on the crafts sector), revised by iMOVE, June 2022