Over 100 Chinese teachers in Hamburg for advanced vocational training in robotics

In cooperation with the Heinze Akademie, Marc Casper from the Institute for Vocational and Business Education (IBW), part of the Faculty of Education, hosted a delegation from China.

The German "dual system" of vocational education and training continues to serve internationally as a role model, and this is also the case in China. The People's Republic recently ushered in a "decade of vocational education and training". The wide-ranging reform activities also include the advanced educational training of Chinese teachers. In order to gain an insight into German vocational education and training and its teaching principles, 100 Chinese teachers specialising in robotics and automation made the journey to Hamburg accompanied by representatives from the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE).

The Heinze Akademie in the north of Hamburg offered participants a four-week intensive programme with various workshops and trips to VET working and learning locations. Principal Jan Heinze and Marc Casper of the University of Hamburg's Institute for Vocational and Business Education worked together closely to develop the wide-ranging educational concept. From insights into the history, and the history of ideas, surrounding the concepts of "vocation" and "training", via curriculum development, and didactic and methodological piloting in relation to employment and competence orientation, through to structural challenges and future developments, an active exchange took place involving the participation by various lecturers from school-based, company-based and university backgrounds.

In four parallel learning groups, ideas were generated, discussion took place, programming and modelling was undertaken and presentations were delivered. After four weeks, the programme culminated in a final event for which participants produced a poster exhibition and arranged a play to “reminisce” over the varied professional and cultural impressions gained.

Heinze Akademie

The Heinze Akademie is member of the iMOVE provider pool.

Heinze Akademie

Source: ew.uni-hamburg.de (website of the University of Hamburg), revised by iMOVE, June 2020