A sweet job: Icecream maker

Icecream maker is an officially recognised occupation since 2008 with very good job perspectives - and it is a dream job in summer.

There are decisive differences between icecream manufacturing in industry and as a craft. Industrially processed icecream has up to 14 per cent fat content und preserving agents as ingredients. Handcrafted icecream has only up to 6 per cent fat content and consists of at least 70 per cent milk plus yogurt, sweet cream, various fruit compositions and chocolate. Official regulations concerning the training ensure consistent standards and guarantee quality and hygiene in the manufacturing process.

Pasteurisation, recipes or hygiene - the occupation comprises many different aspects. How do I communicate with customers? How must ingredients be stored? Knowledge in business administration is also required, e.g. concerning purchasing and accounting. What appeals to trainees most, though, is inventing new flavours.

Source: Article in DIE ZEIT, revised by iMOVE, June 2010