New publication: Employer-provided vocational training in Europe

The European continuing vocational training survey (CVTS) is a unique source of internationally comparable data on training in enterprises. This report provides the first European detailed comparative analysis of the results of the third survey (CVTS3).

Radar charts are used to assess national CVT performance in incidence, participation, intesity an dexpenditure. The analyses reials that other forms of training in enterpreises compelments rather than competes eith the more traditonal courses.

The concern about enterprises not providing training is substantiated from a social and economic perspective. In-depth analysis of CVTS3 data shows that professional management of training, involvement of social partners and targeted public measures are crucial to fostering training. It also shows gaps in enterprises‘ perception of skills and training needs. As most enterprises do not change their training behaviour over time, triggering non-trainers to provide training remains a challenge.

Generally, policy measures to lower training costs remain of minor relevance to enterprises. Therefore, European and national policies should develop targeted financial instruments.

The report ends with a detailed quality evaluation of CVTS3 from the European perspective and gives various recommendations to improve the quality of the survey. It can be obtained at the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP).

Source: News Release of the CEDEFOP, revised by iMOVE, March 2010