CDU educational policy makers adopt a concept for professional education and training

The National Education, Research and Innovation Committee of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has drawn up proposals for how vocational education and training could be structured in the light of the impending skilled worker shortage.

"We want to make it clear to young people and their parents that, alongside the acquisition of a higher education entrance qualification, vocational education and training offers a labour market related and secure career pathway," explained Michael Kretschmer, Chair of the National Committee and Deputy Leader of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Party. For this reason, the CDU was approaching the issue of true equivalence of academic and vocational training with the utmost seriousness.
[CSU: Christian Social Union]

The concept for professional education and training centres on using the qualifications of master craftsman, certified senior clerk and technician as a basis to open up a vocational pathway leading to attractive career prospects for those seeking advancement. "A handover of leadership is due to take place in 135,000 family companies by 2018," stressed Mr. Kretschmer.

Such firms recruited skilled workers and management staff from persons who had taken the vocational education and training route. In light of the rapid technological developments and global competition, companies were dependent on skilled workers with deep practical knowledge which they used as a basis to master the latest developments in the respective specialist areas by pursuing further qualifications. The earnings potential of such persons was comparable with those holding academic qualifications.

It was also the case that those in possession of vocational qualifications were very unlikely to run the risk of having to do work for which they were over qualified. Vocational education and training research has shown that 28 percent of those with university degrees and 19 percent of University of Applied Sciences’ graduates are already experiencing this situation.

The CDU is seeking to establish professional education and training as a new brand. In order for this to take place, career pathway concepts need to be further developed so as to correspond with the two academic brands of Bachelor and Masters with regard to quality standards and examination requirements. Mr. Kretschmer cited the craft trades occupation of motor vehicle technician as an example.

A journeyman qualification (such as vehicle mechatronics fitter) formed the basis for advanced training leading to successive qualifications as motor vehicle service technician, master craftsman in motor vehicle technology and business economist in the motor vehicle craft trades sector. "We wish to use the concept of professional education and training to transfer the benefits of academic educational provision to vocational education and training," underlined Mr. Kretschmer.

For this purpose, learning venues were needed to impart double vocational and academic qualifications, such as dual and three-way higher education study, whilst also securing innovation and technology transfer to the companies.

Source: (news portal on the city of Jena), revised by iMOVE, December 2016