News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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How apprentices get to travel abroad

As yet, only few apprentices seek to gain work experience abroad. The programme "Vocational Training without Borders" aims to change that. "Erasmus Plus" offers another way of going abroad. A comprehensive guideline answers questions regarding the programme.

Promoting skilled labour career advancement

The number of professionals wishing to advance their career by using the "Master BAföG (Federal Education and Trainings Assistance Act)" funding tool has increased in 2013 for the sixth year in succession to now 171,000, according to the German Federal Statistical Office.

Culture of welcome for international professionals well on the way

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) have presented a first evaluation of the practical implementation of the current immigration law for foreign professionals with the "Impact analysis of the legal framework for foreign professionals".

VerA Initiative - Retired professionals support apprentices

VerA is an initiative by the Senior Experten Service (SES) that goes by the full name of 'Verhinderung von Ausbildungsabbrüchen' (prevention of apprenticeship dropouts): volunteering senior experts - all experienced, retired professionals - support apprentices.

Award for exemplary education and talent management

In the context of the German Education Prize 2014, the TÜV SÜD Akademie and EuPD Research Sustainable Management have awarded the initiative's quality seal to 15 businesses of excellence. The German Education Prize thus honours those participants who have in place an excellent education and talent management system.

Ensuring successful apprenticeships

Almost a quarter of all apprenticeship contracts are terminated before completion of the full training - a rate that alarms all affected parties. This is exactly what the innovative service provision by the Vocational Training Centre South Hessen addresses: in future, the new academy for vocational training will support businesses throughout all stages of the vocational education and training programme.

Vocational education and training provision for makers of plucked musical instruments modernised

A concert harp requires about 1,500 hand polished individual parts as well as a good ear for music and a certain degree of ability to play the instrument. Makers of plucked musical instruments have to be able not only to build an instrument, but also to assess its sound.

First hurdle taken on path to top

School and vocational education in Europe is as diverse as the number of EU Member States. In the field of school education, the degree of success of the individual systems can be determined by the PISA study. In the field of vocational education, there are the so-called WorldSkills.

TÜV Rheinland receives innovation prize for vocational continuing education

The TÜV Rheinland Akademie receives the Comenius EduMedia Seal for its e-learning continuing education course for quality assurance representatives. The seal is awarded by the GPI - Society for Paedagogics and Information and is regarded as an award for special multimedia innovations in the field of vocational education and training.