International iMOVE offices report on trainings demand in China, India and Iran

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In April, iMOVE held a 3-day staff meeting of the iMOVE offices in China, India and Iran, which took place at the iMOVE headquarters in Bonn.

The heads of the international iMOVE compentence centers informed the German training providers as well as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research about the expectations of potential cooperation partners in the various markets.

One focus was on the digital offers on iMOVE, mainly on the internet portal, the online provider pool and the B2B marketplace. All of these tools are of major importance for the communication with local stakeholders, both public and private. In order to improve the service, landing pages in both Hindi and Farsi will be provided in the future.

All local iMOVE training experts gave an account of the dynamic development in their various markets. Zhang Ye from the iMOVE office in Shanghai named ten key industries which have been specified by the Chinese government as crucial for future human resources development. Among these key industries are IT, controlling and robotics, aerospace engineering, maritime and modern shipping technologies, railway vehicle equipment, agricultural technologies, and medical equipment.

The head of the Delhi iMOVE office Arunachalam Karthikeyan referred to the division between education and skill development as one of the major stumbling blocks for the introduction of uniform training standards in India. Far too many Indians regard vocational education and training as a dead end for a professional career.

In Iran, a new law regulates vocational education and training spurs and stimulates various developments in the training systems, says Amir Radfar who heads the iMOVE contact point in Theran. Also there is a clear orientation towards the practice-oriented German training system.

iMOVE offices China, India, Iran

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Source: iMOVE, May 2018