News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Vocational Training Pact 2011: Economy sees positive results

The vocational training opportunities for young people have once again improved over the past year. During a meeting in Berlin in march, Martin Wansleben, Chief Executive Director of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), expressed his satisfaction with what was achieved by the Vocational Training Pact.

Federal Ministry of Economics supports vocational training in the crafts

The Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) and the Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (ZDH, German Confederation of Skilled Crafts) regard inter-company vocational training in the crafts (ÜLU) to be an important element in safeguarding the skilled labour supply in Germany.

German-Russian Conference on Vocational Training in Kaluga

Experts from the fields of politics, science and business met for the German-Russian Vocational Training Conference entitled "Modern Vocational Training: Challenges and Perspectives for Business and Society" from 29 to 30 March in Kaluga.

Vocational training or academic studies?

Dual study courses experience a boom. According to numbers published by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), the number of dual study courses offered by enterprises in 2011 increased by 46 per cent to over 40,000.

Apprentices and minister at the Leibniz Institute

With their project for the "Energy system optimisation of plastics injection moulding machines", seven apprentices from the firm of plastic concept gmbh in Neusalza-Spremberg won over the jury in the 13th federal state competition for the implementation of the Agenda 21 in the field of vocational education.

BIBB President Esser: "German Qualifications Framework Agreement an important milestone for vocational education and training"

Friedrich Hubert Esser, President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), has described the agreement between the Federal Government, the federal states and the social partners on the introduction of the German Qualifications Framework (DQR) as an "important milestone" for vocational education and training in Germany.

ANKOM Initiative supports transitions between employment and higher education

The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) has taken on the project sponsorship of the next phase of the ANKOM Initiative "Transitions from vocational to higher education".

Recognition in Germany

"Recognition in Germany" is the new information portal regarding the German government's Recognition Act. This portal provides up-to-date information on the legal basis and procedure for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications.

Apprentice receives award in Berlin

Kapilrajah Sathivel, former wire drawer apprentice at the Neuenrad-based company Elisental, was honoured in Berlin as one of the best 227 apprentices of Germany 2011. The award ceremony included some 1,000 guests.