Kambodscha: Berufsausbildung für einen besseren Lebensstandard

Die Förderung der technischen und beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung (TVET) in Kambodscha ist ein Eckpfeiler für einen menschenwürdigen Lebensstandard, so eine Erklärung der Asiatischen Entwicklungsbank (ADB).

More vocational training needed, argues bank

Fostering technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Cambodia is a cornerstone of sustaining decent livelihoods, especially among the marginalised, according to a statement from the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

To embrace and further build awareness of the significance of TVET, the ADB in cooperation with other stakeholders supports the Royal Government of Cambodia to mark the third National TVET Day 2020 themed "TVET for a Better Life" on June 15.

Since 2014, ADB has been working with the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training to bring Cambodia's TVET system and programme to a new level, investing nearly $175 million in it.

This includes enhancing the skills and competitiveness of Cambodia’s industrial sector labour force and developing human resources for Cambodia’s four priority sectors: manufacturing, construction, electricity and electronics.

Selected technical training institutes (TTIs) have been transformed into leading technical and vocational education and training establishments across the country to produce high-quality technicians in the priority sectors and to respond to changing technology and industry needs, said the ADB.

The ADB's support in education and skills development has also contributed to improve skill-enhancement facilities, learning resources and the teaching quality of close to half a million upper-secondary students (40 percent of them female) and help 34,000 students (52.8 percent female) to enroll in TVET programmes, it said.

"Factoring in the "new normal" imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, ADB's project is also strengthening industry's role and engagement in skills development, focusing on upskilling and reskilling of existing workers," it added.

Industry and technical training institutes have forged partnerships to promote work-based learning programmes and expand the skills development fund as an innovative TVET financing mechanism.  A quality and resilient TVET programme will significantly contribute to boosting small and medium enterprises, which form the backbone of Cambodia's resilient and sustainable economic growth.

Quelle: Khmer Times, khmertimeskh.com, 16.06.2020