Latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners. iMOVE News RSS en-US Skilled craftspeople who are building the future

The energy transition, electric mobility and smart homes: millions of skilled craftspeople in Germany are working every day to shape a sustainable future. 2024-07-22T12:00+02:00 iMOVE
Support for Ukraine’s science community

Germany, Ukraine and over 50 international organisations, states and companies launched a multi-stakeholder initiative at the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC) today to train and upskill Ukrainians for the recovery and reconstruction of their country. 2024-07-18T12:00+02:00 iMOVE
Mediator between education and business

Engineer Justin Wahyo is actively committed to establishing dual vocational training in Indonesia. 2024-07-16T12:00+02:00 iMOVE
Singapore: Transformation in Vocational Education and Training

Education and training in the transformation process is also of great importance to PISA champion Singapore. Mechanisms of qualification for the upcoming challenges also occupy the city state's trade unions and business community - a delegation gathered inspiration during a study trip. 2024-07-10T12:00+02:00 iMOVE
From Kenya to Germany to train as a nurse

Specialist expertise, language proficiency and intercultural knowledge: a joint German-Kenyan project provides comprehensive support for those wishing to train as a nurse. 2024-07-03T12:00+02:00 iMOVE