Alliance for Initial and Continuing Training

Alliance for Initial and Continuing Training takes positive stock and adopts main work focuses aimed at achieving a strong system of vocational education and training

Ten main priorities are also agreed with regard to the years ahead.

The aims of the Alliance for Initial and Continuing Training are to help both the indigenous population and refugees by

  • securing a good supply of company-based training places,
  • continuing to consolidate the training pathway and its various support instruments,
  • tackling the matching problems on the training market,
  • raising the quality of dual training still further,
  • increasing the attractiveness of vocational education and training, including for high-ability young people,
  • enhancing the visibility of qualifications and improving the data situation in respect of migrants,
  • expanding second-chance training,
  • supporting vocational schools in their capacity as a venue for language learning,
  • taking dual training into the digital future,
  • strengthening networking and promoting dual training.

The partners of the Alliance for Initial and Continuing Training declared: "Over the past few months, we have rigorously pursued our joint objective of strengthening dual training and continuing vocational training. We have made a joint contribution towards securing a supply of skilled workers by instigating specific measures to improve employment opportunities for young people. We also aim to work together in future to address the challenges on the training market, both with regard to young Germans and young refugees. For this reason, we have today adopted ten future priorities aimed at achieving a strong system of vocational education and training."

The Alliance for Initial and Continuing Training was formed in December 2014. The Federal Government, the Federal Employment Agency, the federal states, trade and industry and the unions have all joined forces to commit to a high-quality dual training system which ensures equal integration of high-ability young people, disadvantaged young people, young people from a migrant background and disabled young people. The aim is to show young people interested in training a "pathway" which leads to a vocational qualification at the earliest possible point in time. Priority is accorded to company-based training.

Since the establishment of the Alliance, the partners have put a series of major measures in place in order to strengthen dual training.

These have included: 

  • a significant expansion of the number of company-based training places registered with the Federal Employment Agency,
  • a joint concept for the placement and post-placement of young people in training,
  • a new funding instrument to support disadvantaged young people and help companies with training in the form of the “assisted training” scheme
  • and improved access opportunities to training support measures.

In addition, the Federal Government, the federal states and the Federal Employment Agency have agreed joint concepts for vocational orientation, including at upper secondary school, and initiated and extended measures for better transition from school to training.

Source: (news portal of the Ministry of Education and Research), revised by iMOVE, August 2016