GEW: "Good education needs well-trained teachers"

Good education needs well-trained teachers. This is why the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW - Union for Education and Science) demands a fundamental reform of the training provision for teachers. It makes the qualification, advanced training and continuing education provision for teachers a focus of its activity with the "Zukunftsforum Lehrkräftebildung" (Forum for the Future - Qualification of Teachers).

"Teachers and tutors have a particular responsibility within our society. They support the young generation on its path towards becoming fully formed and thinking personalities who contribute to our society and take over responsibilities. To fulfil this demanding task, teachers need good qualification, advanced training and continuing education as well as the support of and recognition by our entire society", said GEW Chairwoman Marlis Tepe. "The development towards an inclusive educational system places new demands on teachers, which must be reflected in the training provision for teachers. The society of the 21st century cannot be shaped by a training provision for teachers by school type such as in the 19th century."

"Education is made by people. If we want to keep the occupation of teacher attractive for young people, we have to strengthen the profession. If one wants good education, one must invest in the first qualification of teachers and promote their professional development by way of advanced training and continuing education", Tepe emphasised. With its "Zukunftsforum Lehrkräftebildung", the GEW gives a new impulse for reforming the training provision for teachers in Germany.

Worldwide, unions advocate good education on occasion of the "World Teachers' Day". The GEW and its "Forum for the Future" are part of the "Unite for Quality Education" campaign by Education International (EI-IE), a global union federation of 400 teachers' trade unions.

EI-IE campaigns worldwide for good education, for example, in Sydney, New York, Pretoria, Buenos Aires and New Delhi. "Qualified and motivated teachers are of decisive importance for good education", Tepe explains the campaign goals. "Their qualification must reflect the demands of our time. Schools and kindergartens are more diverse and heterogeneous than previously. This enhances the education processes and creates new demands for which the training provision of teachers must prepare them."

Source: Union for Education and Science,, revised by iMOVE, April 2015