Vocational education and training: SMEs and crafts with good job perspectives

"Many young people aren't even aware of the possibilities and career opportunities opened up by occupational qualification. We have to do more to get young people interested in the advantages of vocational education and training." These were the words of Volker Rode, Chairman of the Mittelstandsvereinigung Main-Kinzig (MIT – SME Association Main-Kinzig), who is also a member of the federal executive board of the MIT.

According to calculations by the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), some 3.1 million academics will retire in Germany until 2030. This number is offset against about 4.7 million university graduates entering into professional life. In parallel, however, about 10.5 million well-trained skilled professionals will retire. Their number is offset by only 7.5 million younger people with vocational qualifications - and the corresponding skilled labour shortage will become significantly greater in some industry sectors.

"The skilled labour shortage will become particularly felt in health care and social occupations as well as in the processing, manufacturing and maintaining occupations. There is a lack of master craftsmen and technicians", says Rode. In his assessment, the persisting trend towards university education will further aggravate the skilled labour shortage.

In the coming years, many businesses in the Main-Kinzig district will find it difficult or will be unable to staff many positions. This is potentially pitted against a comparatively high unemployment rate amongst people with academic qualifications. Here, schools are particularly called upon, yet also the crafts, which offer the largest range of vocational education and training options. Moreover, he said, it is possible even today to attain a university entrance qualification in parallel to an apprenticeship.

Also, many are not aware that, according to the German Qualifications Framework, the master craftsman certificate is equal to the bachelor degree. "One of our main demands now will be to enable an academic master's programme on the basis of a master craftsman certificate", said District Chairman Volker Rode.

Source: osthessen-news.de, revised by iMOVE, July 2014