Indien: Entwurf zur Reform der Berufsbildung

Das indische Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship hat auf der Internetseite der indischen Regierung den 37-seitigen Entwurf zur Reform der Berufsbildung veröffentlicht. Das Ministerium rief zur Online-Diskussion des Entwurfs auf.


Share your views on Draft National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 2015


Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship is mandated to lay down a roadmap for Skill development and Entrepreneurship in the country. Developing a comprehensive and holistic policy document is an integral part of the process. This requires a fresh look at the already existing National Policy on Skill Development (NPSD), 2009.

The Ministry has been in the process of drafting a National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 2015. Preliminary inputs were called for from all concerned Central Ministries/Departments on the work being done in the skill development and entrepreneurship space along with issues/concerns in the sector.

The draft National Policy has been developed based on these preliminary inputs and in consultation with various stakeholders during the course of last six months. It is now desired to have wider consultations on the draft policy to develop a cohesive vision and roadmap for skilling India with speed, scale and standards.



Share your views on Draft National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 2015


  • Entwurf zur Reform der Berufsbildung als Download
  • Diskussionsbeiträge (319 Beiträge; geöffnet bis Ende Mai 2015)

Quelle: Regierung Indien, Government of India,, Stichwort "Discussions Under Skill Development", Mai 2015